
initial coin offering

A fundraising event for an unregulated currency.

An initial coin offering (ICO) is a fundraising event for an unregulated currency known as a cryptocurrency.

You could say it's an entirely buzz-dependent phenomenon, unless it's Facebook offering Libra, in which case it's a threat to the sovereign functions of a state.

Is it money before the initial coin offering? Nobody knows.

#ico #initial public coin #unregulated #cryptocurrency #libra

initial coin offering

A fundraising event for an unregulated currency.

If the company blows all the money on yachts, investors don't have much recourse.

Currency comes down to who can you trust. And in the cryptocurrency age, the answer is foggier than ever. (See Trust, Anarcho-Capitalism, Blockchain and Initial Coin Offerings for a deep dive on this issue.)


initial coin offering

A fundraising event for an unregulated currency.

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